Clínica Zenha Blog

Saúde Oral

Toothache – Discover the Main Causes and Solutions

Tooth pain has a broad spectrum, ranging from a simple increase in sensitivity to the complexity of being the result of an oral injury. Given the variety of causes that can trigger this pain, it’s important to establish a criterion that allows us to assess the urgency of the necessary treatment.

Let’s then try to systematize the main causes of pain and the procedure to treat them:

dor de dentes capa

   Dental Sensitivity.

Increased sensitivity, for example, to cold when eating ice cream or to heat when drinking coffee, can have several causes. One of them is the presence of gum recession, meaning the loss of gum tissue in the area covering the tooth root. Since the roots of our teeth are not covered by enamel, external stimuli are felt much more intensely.

Often, even brushing in the area causes increased sensitivity. This type of pain tends to subside once the stimulus is removed. What causes gum recession?

Use of hard toothbrushes, aggressive brushing, use of abrasive toothpaste, such as most whitening toothpastes, bruxism (tooth grinding), trauma, gum disease, and/or periodontal disease. Depending on the cause, the solution is also different, but it is important to note that while gum recession can be controlled, the only solution for the gum to return to its ideal position is through a small graft or gum alteration surgery.

Therefore, it is important to change brushing habits, use a softer toothbrush, specific toothpaste for dental sensitivity, use circular motions when brushing, and consult your dentist to understand the exact cause and find the best solution. Until then, avoid sudden temperature changes that increase this sensitivity.

 -> Visit our Periodontology page to learn more about periodontal disease, its effects, and treatments!

Dra. Mónica dor de dentes

    Pain when eating sugary foods.

When there is pain, even mild, when eating sugary foods, it is usually a sign of dental cavities.

In this case, you should reinforce the use of toothpaste with xylitol, which has the power to inhibit the growth of bacteria responsible for cavities, and with fluoride, which has the ability to remineralize the tooth, in a quantity of 1400/1500ppm (check the back of your toothpaste).

Additionally, it is important to reduce the amount of sugar consumed in your daily diet, as it is the main culprit for the development of dental cavities.

 -> Learn all about dental cavities in our Blog article!

    Provoked or spontaneous pain

Feeling provoked pain may be a sign of inflammation of the tooth nerve. This inflammation may be reversible or irreversible.

When the pain becomes spontaneous, the prognosis worsens, making the inflammation possibly irreversible. This pain may be caused by the presence of an extensive dental cavity that has involved the tooth nerve, a fracture of an existing restoration or the walls of the tooth itself, or an infectious lesion caused by insufficient treatment.

During the dental consultation, an X-ray and additional tests will be performed to help us determine whether the inflammation of the tooth nerve is reversible or irreversible. If reversible, we treat the cavity or fracture with restorations, for example. If irreversible and there is enough tooth structure, we may need to perform a root canal treatment, i.e., remove the nerve, disinfect, fill with a biocompatible material, and then restore it.

If it is irreversible and there is not enough tooth structure, or in the case of a root fracture, the solution may involve extraction (removal) of the tooth and placing a dental implant to replace it.

Be cautious of this type of pain, especially when it becomes spontaneous, as it may rapidly progress to unbearable pain that can limit you in daily activities.

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    Mucosal pain

Dry mouth sensation, pain around a lesion in the gums or mucosa, and a burning feeling are pains linked to possible changes in our soft tissues. These are often caused by medication, systemic diseases such as diabetes, high blood pressure, etc.

These are situations to be aware of and to discuss with your dentist, as there may be a lesion present that could be either benign or malignant. At this time, it is important to avoid mouthwashes that contain alcohol, as they dry out the oral flora much more.

Our teeth are very important, but so are our gums and mucous membranes, which should always be monitored.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact us.


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