The Transformation of Rosa Sofia Barros
Rosa Sofia is a 49-year-old woman with a shy smile. For several years, she has not smiled spontaneously and has developed ways to hide her smile. This is because she suffers from periodontal disease, which has progressively worsened over time, leading to the loss of several teeth.
After a thorough study and treatment planning, the Clínica Zenha team outlined the best approach to her case.
A full upper implant-supported rehabilitation was chosen due to the absence of multiple teeth in the upper arch and the severe deterioration of the remaining teeth, which affected both function and aesthetics.
Before the implant rehabilitation, her oral cavity was thoroughly cleaned, and she was given specific hygiene instructions to promote periodontal health and control periodontitis. Without prior periodontal treatment and a serious commitment to improving oral hygiene habits, implant placement would not have been possible, making the proposed rehabilitation unfeasible.
See Rosa Sofia’s transformation:
Written by Marisa Zenha