Apical Lesions – Oral Rehabilitation • Dental Clinic Porto

The case of Fernanda Santos was a very important case for our clinic due to the patient’s physical and emotional condition, who, after undergoing several endodontic treatments, continued to present apical lesions and a high level of discomfort.

Fernanda has suffered from dental issues since she was very young. Over the years, she needed to undergo multiple endodontic treatments and retreatments that seemed to never be definitive. When the patient arrived at our clinic, most of her teeth had already been devitalized, some more than once, and still, she had apical lesions.

Apical or Periapical Lesions are lesions that occur at the final area of the tooth root, due to pulp necrosis, trauma, or contamination. On the orthopantomogram, they are identified as a darkened area, usually round in shape, indicating bone loss.

In the presence of apical lesions, endodontic retreatment is the most common option, but not the one that met the patient’s expectations. After several episodes of pain, needing to go to the dentist repeatedly, and discomfort, the patient sought a definitive treatment. The patient wanted to be 100% sure that they would not experience discomfort again.

For six months, the patient and Dr. Marisa Zenha analyzed the different options, until they reached a final decision – the “Teeth in One Day” treatment.

This is a very peculiar situation, which was thoroughly discussed for quite some time by Dr. Marisa and the patient. At Zenha Implantology Clinic, we believe that the “Teeth in One Day” treatment should only be performed as a last resort, when most of the teeth have already been lost, or when their condition is so severe that treatment is impossible. Learn all about this treatment in our Blog post: “Have you ever imagined having fixed teeth in 1 day? Yes, it’s possible.”

lesões apicais - ortopantomografia

Process of Treating Apical Lesions

After deciding to proceed with the “Teeth in One Day” treatment, we repeated the oral exams to ensure we have an accurate image of the patient’s condition. Even after conducting exams over the past 6 months, it’s important to ensure we have the most precise and updated data. This way, we can offer personalized solutions that provide the greatest comfort with the shortest recovery time and the highest durability.

These exams allow us to identify the exact location where we should place the dental implants, how many implants are necessary, and which prosthetic pieces are most suitable for the case.

During the second consultation, we received the patient in the morning. We started by extracting the damaged dental pieces and created a digital mock-up of the prosthesis to be placed. The digital mock-up, created using the latest dental medicine technologies, allows us to design unique prosthetic pieces aimed at providing the greatest comfort to the patient, restoring dental function, and creating a harmonious aesthetic for their facial features. This mock-up is sent to a renowned and trusted dental laboratory.

lesões apicais implantes dentários

In the morning, it was possible to place our dental implants, made of titanium. Titanium is a biocompatible material, meaning it is accepted by our body – over time, the body begins to consider the implants as a natural part of our system.

In the afternoon, we received the two fixed temporary bridges designed by the laboratory to mimic natural dentition in both aesthetics and functionality. These fixed prostheses, made from more malleable materials, are ideal for the healing phase of the implants, providing the necessary durability without causing discomfort to the patient. After the healing period, we will apply the definitive dental prostheses, which are more durable and have a more natural aesthetic.

Today, the patient is very happy with their smile! There is no more discomfort, and the apical lesions are now a thing of the past.

Do you have any questions about the “Teeth in One Day” treatment? Check out our blog article, where we answer the most common questions from our patients about dental implants, or schedule your evaluation appointment!