Clínica Zenha Blog



So, what is gum recession?

Gum recession is a commonly mentioned problem in dental offices, affecting a large percentage of individuals and often going unnoticed.

This condition occurs when the gum margin migrates apically, gradually exposing the tooth roots, which can cause aesthetic and functional problems.


Gum recession has a multifactorial etiology and can be associated with dental sensitivity, difficulty in plaque removal, gum inflammation, susceptibility to caries (root caries), and eventually, in severe cases, lead to tooth loss.

Main causes of gum recession:

  1. Accumulation of bacterial plaque / Gum inflammation
  2. Improper brushing techniques / Traumatic brushing
  3. Misalignment / Poor tooth positioning
  4. Constant trauma from piercings (lip, tongue, or frenula)

In the next article, we will discuss therapeutic options and various treatment modalities.

Written by Hélder Oliveira