How to achieve an enviable smile?

Clínica Zenha Blog



How to achieve an enviable smile?

Nowadays, more and more people are interested in and value the importance of a beautiful smile.

For many years, aesthetic dental restorations were the treatment of choice with predictable results; however, they required periodic maintenance due to pigmentation, loss of shine, and texture. Ceramic veneers have changed this paradigm, as they provide excellent aesthetic and functional results.

Veneers function as thin “covers,” with a thickness that can be as thin as 0.5mm, applied and bonded to natural teeth. This allows for the correction of small imperfections in shape, color, position, and/or size.


It is a simple and minimally invasive procedure aimed at harmonizing the smile, with increasing applicability. Despite its simplicity, it is associated with high durability and resistance.

Transforming your smile is possible. Book your appointment now!

Written by Marisa Zenha

The Change of Catarina Sousa – Veneers

Zenha Clinic Blog

Clinical Case

The Change of Catarina Sousa – Veneers

Catarina is a young expatriate living in London who was not happy with her smile due to excessive gum exposure.

After evaluation, it was determined that Catarina needed orthodontic correction. Since this is a long treatment, it was decided to place ceramic veneers to camouflage the dental misalignment.

During the first consultation, we gathered all the necessary data (study models and photographs) to plan and design her new smile, followed by the mock-up in the next consultation.

An intensive teeth whitening treatment was performed in-office to add more shine and brightness to her smile.

After these procedures, we placed the ceramic veneers that helped correct the position and shape of Catarina’s teeth.

See Catarina’s new smile:

Dr. Marisa Zenha


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    The Change of Maria de Fátima – Veneers

    Zenha Blog

    Clinical Case

    The Change of Maria de Fátima – Veneers

    Maria de Fátima had healthy teeth but was not comfortable or satisfied with her smile.

    After studying and planning her smile, implants were placed in the edentulous spaces. Subsequently, an intensive teeth whitening procedure was carried out in the office to make the teeth whiter.

    To complete the treatment, ceramic veneers were placed on the upper arch, as well as crowns on the previously placed implants.

    Veneers are small ceramic coverings designed and personalized individually with great attention to detail to improve the aesthetic appearance of the teeth.

    See Maria de Fátima’s transformation:

    Dr. Marisa Zenha


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      Carlos’s New Smile

      Clínica Zenha Blog



      Carlos’s New Smile

      Carlos is a 22-year-old young man who was looking for a change in his smile.

      Although he had healthy teeth and gums, he was not satisfied with his smile and did not consider it aesthetic, due to the presence of diastemas (spaces between the teeth) and conical teeth (smaller than normal teeth that, as the name suggests, have a cone shape).


      After studying and discussing the case with Carlos, the placement of ceramic veneers was planned, following the procedure of crown lengthening.

      This procedure was carried out with the aim of improving the gingival contour, making it more aesthetic and thus restoring harmony to the smile. An intensive in-office teeth whitening was also performed to lighten and correct the color of the teeth.


      Once this first phase was completed, the surface of the teeth was prepared, and in a subsequent consultation, the adhesion of the 6 veneers was carried out. These veneers were individually designed and crafted with great attention to detail to provide a beautiful, natural, and harmonious aesthetic result, just as Carlos had envisioned.

      Now, see how Carlos regained confidence in his smile!

      Written by Marisa Zenha

      The Transformation of Márcia – Veneers

      Zenha Clinic Blog

      Clinical Case

      The Transformation of Márcia

      Márcia had seemingly healthy teeth, but she was very self-conscious about her smile due to excessive gum exposure.

      Before proceeding with treatment, we conducted a thorough study to determine the best approach for her case. We opted for veneers as the ideal solution.

      To enhance aesthetics and restore harmony to her smile while minimizing gum exposure, we performed a crown lengthening procedure (clinical crown augmentation) on the anterior teeth to level the gum margin.

      Next, we corrected the tooth color with an in-office intensive teeth whitening treatment.

      Finally, to help Márcia smile confidently, we conducted a digital smile study and crafted ultra-conservative, individually customized ceramic veneers.

      See Márcia’s transformation:

      Dr. Marisa Zenha


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        The Transformation of Patrícia Feiteira – Veneers

        Zenha Clinic Blog

        Clinical Case

        Patrícia Feiteira’s Transformation – Veneers

        Patrícia had an anterior open bite (her upper teeth did not contact her lower teeth).

        After studying her case, it was determined that she needed orthodontic treatment along with orthognathic surgery to correct and balance her bite and the skeletal relationship between the maxilla and mandible. Since Patrícia did not want a lengthy treatment, it was decided to apply composite veneers to camouflage this disharmony. To do so, we created study models to plan her smile.

        Next, we did a mock-up to show Patrícia what her new smile would look like and performed an intensive in-office teeth whitening to make her teeth whiter.

        To complete the treatment, we placed dental veneers. Check out the final result in the before-and-after photos below:

        Dr. Marisa Zenha


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          The Change of Maria do Céu Teixeira – Veneers

          Clínica Zenha Blog

          Caso Clínico

          The Change of Maria do Céu Teixeira – Veneers

          The Change of Maria do Céu Teixeira

          Maria do Céu was a woman unhappy with her smile, with darkened teeth and several missing teeth at the back.

          In a case like this, with very stained teeth, it is possible to preserve and improve them through ceramic veneers, which correct color, shape, and position changes.

          We placed implants in the missing teeth to restore balance in her chewing, however, Maria do Céu only regained her confidence and self-esteem after the placement of ceramic veneers.

          See Maria do Céu’s full case:

          Dr. Marisa Zenha


          Book your appointment now

            How long do I need to get dental veneers?

            Clínica Zenha Blog

            Dental Veneers

            How long do I need to get dental veneers?

            More and more patients are interested in and value the importance of having a beautiful smile, and a very common question from those who come to us is ” How many appointments are needed or how much time do I need to get dental veneers on my teeth?”.

            Generally speaking, for this type of treatment with dental veneers, several fundamental steps are required. The process always starts with data collection for diagnosis and planning of the new smile.

            At this first consultation, the condition of oral health is assessed, and it is determined how many dental veneers will be necessary to achieve a satisfactory aesthetic and functional result. In this regard, photographs (intra and extra oral) and a short video are taken. We also perform complementary radiographic exams and a digital scan (digital molding) of the dental arches. All this data will guide the clinical case from start to finish.

            After this consultation, the collected data is sent to the laboratory to execute the study of the new smile.

            This study consists of the creation of the dental wax-up, or in other words, the aesthetic planning, where various parameters such as color, shape, and position of the teeth are evaluated. From this wax-up, the mock-up is prepared.

            The mock-up is the tool that will allow the patient to see what their new smile will look like, as they will be able to visualize the sketch of the final result in their mouth.

            In a second consultation, the mock-up is done, and if both the dentist and the patient accept and like the result, the preparation of the teeth is carried out and, subsequently, the fabrication of the dental veneers follows.

            The next consultation is, therefore, for the placement. In this final consultation, the veneers made by the dental technician are tried on, and if they are as desired and planned, the definitive cementation is done, resulting in a harmonious and natural smile.

            In any case, before considering getting dental veneers, schedule a consultation now, so we can evaluate if this is the most advantageous and appropriate procedure for your case.

            Dr. Raquel Brandão Carvalho


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              After all, how much do dental veneers cost?

              Clínica Zenha Blog

              Facetas Dentárias

              Afinal, quanto custam as facetas dentárias?

              As facetas dentárias são um tratamento médico-dentário estético cada vez mais popular projetado para melhorar a aparência do sorriso.

              Durante anos, as restaurações estéticas, ou facetas dentárias em resina composta, eram o tratamento de eleição com resultados bastante previsíveis, porém com uma exigência de manutenção periódica devido à pigmentação, perda de brilho, textura e até de estrutura.

              As facetas dentárias em cerâmica mudaram este paradigma por permitirem alcançar excelentes resultados estéticos e funcionais com maior estabilidade e resistência ao longo do tempo. Todavia, e por se tratar de um tratamento com um carácter mais “premium”, é igualmente mais dispendioso do que o tratamento antecedente.

              Este custo importa o custo dos materiais, complexidade do procedimento, experiência do médico dentista que realiza o procedimento, honorários do técnico de prótese dentária, entre outros.

              facetas dentárias

              Tem curiosidade em saber quanto custam as facetas dentárias?

              Vamos, primeiro, relembrar o que são facetas dentárias cerâmicas.

              As facetas dentárias cerâmicas funcionam como “capas” finas, com uma espessura que pode ir até aos 0,5mm, que são aplicadas e aderidas aos dentes, permitindo desta forma a correção de pequenas imperfeições de forma ou tamanho, cor e posição, conferindo uma aparência natural e esteticamente atraente.

              Tipos de facetas dentárias

              Os 2 tipos de facetas dentárias mais comuns são as de cerâmica e as de resina composta.

              As facetas em resina composta são elaboradas no consultório pelo médico dentista, geralmente numa consulta. Já as facetas dentárias em cerâmica são criadas individualmente e com elevada minuciosidade em laboratório pelo técnico de prótese dentária, sendo por isso um procedimento mais demorado.

              Em que situações está indicada a colocação de facetas dentárias?

              As facetas dentárias constituem um tratamento dentário biomimético de excelência que tem como objetivo primário mimetizar ao máximo as propriedades estéticas e funcionais dos dentes naturais.

              Permitem corrigir inúmeros problemas estruturais relacionados com os dentes, como por exemplo:

              • situações de desgaste do esmalte (dentes fraturados e/ou lascados);
              • dentes escurecidos ou descolorados;
              • dentes manchados ou com alterações de cor;
              • espaço entre os dentes (diastemas);
              • assimetrias dentárias de forma;
              • tamanho e/ou volume, ligeiro desalinhamento dentário.

              Claro que também há aspetos relevantes a considerar que podem inviabilizar temporariamente a colocação de facetas dentárias como uma má higiene oral, presença de doenças gengivais e/ou lesões cariosas, ou alterações severas da posição dentária, que necessitam de ser corrigidas primeiramente através do tratamento ortodôntico para posteriormente dar seguimento ao processo.

              facetas dentárias

              Mais quais são as diferenças entre os dois tipos de facetas?

              Existem algumas diferenças significativas entre a colocação de facetas dentárias de cerâmica e facetas de resinas composta.

              A aplicação de facetas em resina composta é um processo simples e rápido, e de um modo geral, fica concluído numa única consulta, sendo que o acabamento e polimento final são realizados numa segunda consulta.

              É uma intervenção, geralmente, mais aditiva, ou seja, acrescentamos o material (resina composta) ao dente sem desgastes.

              Há, ainda, soluções de facetas em resina composta pré-fabricadas. O que simplifica ainda mais esta intervenção.

              Contrariamente, o procedimento com facetas de cerâmica é mais demorado – por norma são necessárias pelo menos 3 consultas – e um pouco mais invasivo pois implica um desgaste mínimo da estrutura dentária para assim permitir a inserção e adesão das facetas cerâmicas ao dente.

              Contudo, é consensual que o material de eleição é a cerâmica por proporcionar um resultado estético mais natural e harmonioso, associado a uma elevada durabilidade e alta resistência.

              As facetas dentárias não necessitam de cuidados extraordinários para se manterem sempre em ótimo estado, porém é fundamental hábitos de higiene oral adequados e consultas regulares de manutenção.

              Como já mencionei, a aplicação de facetas dentárias apresenta excelentes resultados na correção de ligeiras imperfeições e prejuízos estéticos.

              Ainda assim ressalvo, que quando existe um comprometimento considerável da posição dos dentes e/ou maxilares, a abordagem clínica mais adequada passa por primeiro realizar um tratamento ortodôntico – convencional ou com recurso aos alinhadores invisíveis – e só depois avançar para a intervenção estética

              Além disso, quando o propósito é apenas o de tornar os dentes mais brancos, o branqueamento dentário deve ser um procedimento a ter em consideração pois, na maioria das vezes, é efetivo na transformação do sorriso.

              facetas dentárias

              Mas então, qual o custo das facetas dentárias?

              O custo das facetas dentárias varia bastante pois está dependente de vários fatores.

              Para simplificar já mencionei que há dois tipos principais de material utilizado, a resina composta e a cerâmica, sendo que dentro do material cerâmico existem vários subtipos de cerâmica que podemos escolher dependendo do substrato dentário e complexidade do caso, o que poderá ou não interferir no orçamento.

              Mas, como já devem ter percebido, quando recorremos a facetas dentárias em cerâmica estas tendem a ser a opção mais dispendiosa, pois são individual e delicadamente confecionadas com extremo detalhe e num material mais resistente.

              Outro fator decisivo é a complexidade do caso. Por regra geral, tendemos a reabilitar, no mínimo, os 6 dentes anteriores ou como muito comummente refiro, os dentes do sorriso que são os 4 incisivos e os 2 caninos superiores pois são os dentes mais visíveis quando sorrimos.

              Mas podemos reabilitar todos os dentes da arcada ou até mesmo um só dente e, neste último caso, a complexidade e exigência são muito superiores e, consequentemente, o custo também será mais elevado.

              Outro parâmetro importante a observar é a duração das mesmas que, com os devidos cuidados, é consideravelmente elevada.

              Também é importante referir que o custo das facetas dentárias não inclui o custo de quaisquer tratamentos ou acompanhamentos recomendados que possam ser necessários antes, durante ou após o procedimento.

              Resumindo, as facetas dentárias são uma solução altamente eficaz e duradoura para aprimorar a aparência do seu sorriso e valem o custo monetário para aqueles que procuram uma solução mais permanente.

              No entanto, é importante consultar o seu médico dentista para discutir os diferentes tipos de facetas disponíveis, o custo do procedimento e os resultados expectáveis e, assim, tomar uma decisão informada.

              Ainda está com dúvidas? Entre em contacto e agenda uma consulta de avaliação, será um gosto ajudar.


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                Amalgam Removal: To Do or Not to Do?

                Clínica Zenha Blog


                Amalgam Removal: To Do or Not to Do?

                There is a topic in dentistry that continues to raise doubts among many patients, regarding the need to remove dental amalgams or not.

                That’s why I decided to address this issue and clarify all your doubts related to it, as many people still use amalgams, better known as “fillings” or “sealed teeth,” a term that refers not to the presence of lead in this material, but to the color that this metal mixture displays.

                What does the Portuguese Dental Association say about this topic?

                Based on the recommendation of the Portuguese Dental Association, dental amalgams should not be removed unless they fail, meaning they become damaged and need to be removed to prevent further issues. Otherwise, they do not need to be removed.

                Although they may release small amounts of mercury, there is no evidence to suggest that they can cause illness. Therefore, the prophylactic removal of amalgams is unnecessary and could even result in the patient absorbing a greater amount of mercury than if the amalgam had not been touched.

                It is also important to note that composite resin restorations may temporarily increase urinary levels of bisphenol-A, the effects of which on health are not fully understood.

                What precautions should be taken when removing amalgams?

                This is another crucial point in this debate. If the dentist, together with the patient, considers that it is necessary to proceed with the removal of amalgams, it is important to know how to do so safely.

                First and foremost, it is important to contextualize, saying that, a few years ago, amalgam restorations were the most common option because they were inexpensive and durable. Nowadays, this is a solution that is increasingly avoided and is even discouraged for pregnant women, breastfeeding mothers, and children under 15 years old.

                One of the reasons why this is no longer a commonly used option is due to the fact that it is now known that mercury (present in 50% of the composition of these amalgams) has various risks to the body and that whenever someone with amalgams chews, drinks, or brushes their teeth, they are ingesting mercury vapor.

                It is also now known that mercury can be the cause of some pathologies, such as:

                • Neurodegenerative diseases
                • Autoimmune diseases
                • Hypothyroidism
                • Congenital malformations
                • Antibiotic resistance
                • Kidney dysfunction
                • Headaches
                • Periodontal disease
                • Fatigue, depression, and anxiety
                • Weakness
                • Autism
                • Cardiovascular diseases.

                Although this is not enough to state that everyone with amalgams should remove them, there are cases where it may be justified, and in such situations, it is important to remove the amalgams, following specific procedures and safety protocols. If this is not guaranteed, the patient may be exposed to elevated, and indeed dangerous, levels of mercury vapor.

                One of these protocols is the SMART Protocol (Safe Mercury Amalgam Removal Technique), advocated by the IAOMT (International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology). This protocol sets out several guidelines aimed at protecting the patient, as well as the healthcare professionals involved in the procedure and the environment in which everyone operates.

                Among these rules, the following are included:

                • Complete protection of the patient with protective fields and protection for the professionals;
                • Absolute isolation (latex-free rubber dam);
                • External suction to reduce the release of mercury vapor;
                • External oxygen source;
                • Among others.

                At the same time, there is also a protocol aimed at preparing the body for the removal of amalgams, based on three basic principles, namely:

                • Detoxifying the Body;
                • Heavy Metal Chelation (to help in the elimination of heavy metals);
                • Increase of Antioxidant Potential.

                In summary, I believe that, as with most cases and topics in oral health, each patient needs to be assessed, considering the advantages and disadvantages that all options carry.

                It is also worth adding that, from an aesthetic point of view, amalgams do not provide as pleasing a smile and, sometimes, their removal is a patient request aimed at increasing their self-esteem and self-confidence.

                Therefore, it is essential to consult the dentist and evaluate the pros and cons of each decision, always keeping in mind the idea that if you have amalgams, there is no risk, and there is no scientific evidence supporting the mandatory removal of them.


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