Clínica Zenha Blog

3D Endodontics

Endodontia 3D

Fig.1 Rx. Convencional

Endodontia 3D

Fig.2 CBCT mostra reabsorção interna na raíz que não estava visível no rx convencional

Endodontia 3D

Fig.3 Rx.Final com preenchimento da parte reabsorvida

Cutting-Edge Technology – 3D Endodontics

  • We increasingly value our teeth, and in this sense, performing an intervention on a tooth requires making an accurate diagnosis.
  • For many years, dental clinics have had X-ray machines to complement the clinical exam, thereby establishing a more accurate diagnosis.
  • Despite their significant contribution, we recognize some limitations of conventional X-rays, such as:
  • Observing in 2D something that is 3D.
  • Possible distortion of the image depending on the angle.
  • Overlapping anatomical structures.
  • Difficult to reproduce.
  • In our clinic, we have the latest global technology in this field.
  • We can perform a Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT) scan, which eliminates all the disadvantages of conventional X-rays and allows us to make a correct diagnosis and establish a treatment plan that is much more precise and closer to the actual needs of the patient.
  • (Even if you’re not our patient, your dentist can request this exam to better establish the diagnosis of the issue affecting you.)

Written by Marco Paquete

Endodontia 3D

Fig.4 Rx.Convencional que não reflete a real situação

Endodontia 3D

Fig.5 CBCT permite perceber a existência de uma fractura numa das raízes que fazem alterar o plano de tratamento

Endodontia 3D

Fig.6 Imagens de CBCT que permite ver vários cortes do mesmo dente e ver uma reprodução tridimensional dos dentes e osso maxilar